Hawkwind - Bring Me The Head Of Yuri Gagarin

Hawkwind - Bring Me The Head Of Yuri Gagarin

Gaga./In The Egg./Orgone Accumulator./Wage War./Urban Guerilla./Master of the Universe./Welcome to the Future./Sonic Attack./Silver Machine.

DMCD 1002


HAWKWIND... well, you could write whole books on this band - and indeed a few people have.

A band that came out of London's psychedelic underground scene and significantly shaped it's musical culture. Hawkwind exists for 27 years now and still has a cult following.

"If we had a little more money, I would like to turn the whole act into a kind of circus with a complete light show where we could give things away, papers and food etc. Originally we just wanted to freak people out - now we're just interested in sound. For instance, if a monotonous sound like a chanting goes on long enough, it can really alter people's minds. Very few people seem to realize what can be done.

We try to create an environment where people can lose their inhibitions. We also want to keep clear of the music business as much as possible - just play for the people. It's like a ship that has to steer around rocks, we have to steer round the industry. But I'd like us to go on Top Of The Pops. It's so ridiculous - we could simply turn it into a party, get everybody to join in and just never stop. They'd never be able to get us off." - Dave Brock, NME - Jan. '71